Our ESG framework and 3 action areas

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Our future success relies on embedding ESG thinking into everything we do. It’s key that it remains authentic and in harmony with our global purpose and shared values, which bind us together and keep us focused. Our purpose sets out what we bring to the world, and our values show the way we operate.

Our purpose

  • We work responsibly. We strive to do the right thing by all and for all.
  • In partnership. We’re all in this together, as a collective we’re tackling some of the greatest issues of our time.
  • To enhance people’s lives and environments. Together we can inspire and shape places that are more sustainable and inclusive for everyone.

Our values

  • Value the individual – recognising the strength in difference, being responsive to the needs of others, encouraging all voices to be heard, and supporting everyone to perform at their best.
  • Collaborate to succeed – embracing the power of teams, taking pride in the collective process, and constructively challenging one another so we can raise the bar higher.
  • Make the difference – bringing positive energy, caring about getting it right, and being ambitious about creating the future instead of waiting for it to happen.
  • Commit to partnership – creating partnerships that benefit all, acting with integrity and trust, broadening perspectives, and committing to long-term, sustainable growth.

What can we do? Our 3 action areas

ESG is a vast, fast-moving landscape. While we can’t cover it all, we can set ourselves up to become leaders in the areas where we can make the biggest difference. Our ESG framework is divided into three areas for action:

  • Restoring the natural environment – we’re committed to reducing our carbon (greenhouse gas) emissions, helping restore nature, and advocating for climate resilience.
  • Creating inclusive workplaces – we’re committed to being an inclusive business, where everyone’s potential is unlocked, and difference is celebrated and valued.
  • Strengthening communities – we’re committed to supporting our communities, by understanding their needs and addressing local challenges through corporate investment and partnerships.